Editorial recognition is still worth its weight in gold, even with an ever-changing media landscape. Coverage in the right publication does wonders for profile, reputation, investor confidence, sales, and even company morale.
I've been told that my media relations work is strategic. That although I've moved between very different industries, I get impressive results in each because I take the time to study the business, cast of characters, industry, relevant press and influencers, and industry events. Once I set my sights on a reporter, publication, or specific story, I go after them relentlessly.
I greatly enjoy managing and collaborating with top-notch PR agencies, as well as the challenge of creating media opportunities on my own with a limited budget.
The O'Reilly Hardware Podcast
Peter Hoddie on JavaScript for embedded systems: Hardware abstraction, scripting languages, and user experience.
Make: Magazine
The Maker's Guide to Development Boards, with Kinoma Create as a Category Winner.
The Connective: DIY Meets IoE
Harvard Business Review
Leadership Development: Wilderness Leadership—on the Job
The Financial Times
Logistics businesses lead the way in the sector
Streaming Media
Generic Media: The Next Big Thing
San Jose Mercury News
Tribeworks blazes trail on graphics
Programming Constrained IoT Devices. Peter Hoddie shares his deep experience in programming constrained devices and the (business) issues to consider when planning development.
JavaScript Jabber podcast
IoT with Peter Hoddie
The Wall Street Journal
Crowdfunding Isn't Just for the Little Guys:
Deep-Pocketed Companies Test the Market on Indiegogo
Facebook takes heat for secret study
The New York Times
The Boss: Keep the Rejection Letters
Business 2.0
Savings Downstream
Mac Life
What's New from Silicon Valley
IEEE - ICCE 2016
ICCE 2016 "Internet of Me: Next Gen of Consumer Connectivity" Interview with Peter Hoddie
Marvell's Kinoma Create Keeps On Creating (Video)
O'Reilly Media
Peter Hoddie of Kinoma interviewed at Solid 2015
How We Built It: Listen to your customers, especially when they stop talking
San Francisco Business Times
ADMIRED CEOS Moghadam keeps his balance in rocky times: Energetic founder ‘eats, drinks and sleeps AMB’
The New York Times
A Global View Helps Industrial REITs
The New York Times
Short Films Coming Soon to a Hand-Held Device Near Year
Interactive Week
Web Sites Make Music Together
Chicago Sun-Times
Tunes.com Hit on Internet